Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

The DSTC™ and DATC™ courses are the world’s largest international trauma surgery (and trauma anaesthesiology) courses.

Designed by trauma surgeons and anaesthesiologists; the courses are advanced live tissue skills courses, intended to enhance both the trauma decision making skills, teamwork and surgical skills of the participants.

DSTC™ is aimed specifically at surgeons and senior trainees who are involved in the management of patients with major trauma, especially where expertise or resources may be limited.

Course Overview

The DSTCTM / DATCTM course is the world’s largest international trauma surgical course. Designed by trauma surgeons and anaesthesiologists, the course is one of the most advanced live tissue skills courses in the world and is intended to enhance both the anaesthetic and surgical skills and trauma decision-making skills of the participants. It is aimed specifically at surgeons and anaesthetists, senior trainees, and those who are involved in the surgical care of patients with major trauma, especially where expertise or resources may be limited, or they are outside of their “comfort zone”.

The Course provides training in advanced Surgical, Anaesthetic and ICU management and utilises cadavers for demonstration and practice of surgical vascular access in the neck and certain thoracic and limb exposures. A live tissue laboratory is used for the skills sessions – to practice certain complex procedures including the techniques of damage control / liver packing, abdominal surgery, thoracic surgery and treatment of haemorrhage from multiple sites, with multiple forms of haemostasis. There are extensive sessions including lectures on newer techniques of access, surgical and anaesthetic decision making and critical care, as well as interactive case discussions on cases; based
on actual problems which might be faced. Intensive hands-on teaching is an integral part of the course.

The course is limited with an Instructor: Participant ratio of almost 1:2.


2024 Course Schedule

Please note, DSTC & DATC Courses take 3 days to complete (in-house) and they are only offered in English.


University of the Witwatersrand
Wednesday 15 – Friday 17 May 2024 (Wits Medical School)

University of Stellenbosch
Wednesday 30 October – Friday 1 November 2024 (US Medical School)

University of the Witwatersrand
Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 November 2024 (Wits Medical School)


Surgeons and Anaesthesiologists

  • Must be Specialists or Principal Medical Officers
  • Must be actively responsible for the decision-making and skills needed in the surgical care of patients who have suffered major multisystem trauma.

Surgeons and Anaesthesiologists:

  • Must be Specialists or Principal Medical Officers
  • Must be actively responsible for the decision-making and skills needed in the surgical care of patients who have suffered major multisystem trauma.


  • Must be in their final three years of training (Surgery: Post Intermediate Exam)


  • Specialists and Principal Medical Officers: R11,000
  • NB. SMO & Registrars in training: discounted 33% R9,000
  • Courier shipping of the course manual (not included): R300


30 Points


Mrs M Donovan – Course Administrator
Tel: +27 (0) 73 343-2133
Email: DSTC@milparktrauma.org.za
Email: mdonovan@milparktrauma.org.za

For all other queries: DSTC@milparktrauma.org.za

Apply Now

Please download our editable application form and submit it with your course application using the contact form below.

Alternatively, you can E-mail it directly to us at DSTC@milparktrauma.org.za